The Nihilist Spasm Band

Volksbühne im Prater

John Boyle – Electric Kazoo, Electric Thumb Piano, Drums
John Clement
– Bass, Guitar, Drums
Bill Exley
– Vocals, Cooking Pot
Murray Favro
– Guitar
Art Pratten
– Pratt-a-various, Electric Water Pipe
Aya Onishi
– Electric Kazoo, Drums

The Nihilist Spasm Band is legendary: the band has been improvising on instruments of their own creation every Monday in London, Ontario (Canada) for more than 40 years. The Nihilist Spasm Band bears the distinction, especially among musicians, of being the first real noise band in history. After numerous performances with a multitude of renowned guest musicians, the Band makes its Berlin debut on October 1, 2009.

Since 1965, the Nihilist Spasm Band, a confraternity of music enthusiasts from all walks of life, has been playing its own music on self-constructed or modified instruments. Their interaction is based on free improvisation that transcends categorization as jazz, rock or folk. The result is LOUD – all the instruments are amplified. There are no solos; the music emerges out of the collective experience of more than forty years of the closest collaboration and improvisation. The band’s live concerts were first recorded in Canada in the 1960s and ’70s; international discovery came in the early ’90s via the Japanese noise label “Alchemy Records”. After that came tours in Japan, America and Europe, along with lots of jams – together with renowned musicians like Thurston Moore, David Grubbs and members of R.E.M. – in London, Ontario or during the Nihilist Spasm Band’s many live performances since the late 1990s at international concert venues and festivals.

Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. in cooperation with Volksbühne im Prater, with support from Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V. and Ontario Arts Council.

Further information:
The Nihilist Spasm Band

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