Lecture and artist talk

29.04.2014 / 7 p.m.
Hamburger Bahnhof
Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Invalidenstr. 50-51, 10557 Berlin

Program accompanying the exhibition
Works of Music by Visual Artists
Part File Score
24-channel sound installation
Twelve ways to describe Hanns Eisler


Ingrid Buschmann and Gabriele Knapstein

Introduction to the film music compositions of Hanns Eisler with film excerpts
with Peter Deeg and Johannes C. Gall (in German language)

Susan Philipsz in conversation with Martin Herbert
(in English language)

Peter Deeg (Berlin) is a musicologist who frequently publishes on Hanns Eisler and is currently associated with the music archive of the Akademie der Künste Berlin. In 2012/2013 he compiled a filmography of all of Hanns Eisler’s film music compositions for the International Hanns Eisler Society and the DEFA Foundation.
Johannes C. Gall (Berlin) is a research associate on the complete edition of the works of Hanns Eisler (Hanns Eisler Gesamtausgabe – HEGA) at the Freie Universität Berlin. He initiated and conducted the reconstruction of Eisler’s Rockefeller film music project (1940–42), published in DVD form as part of a special edition of Adorno & Eisler’s book Composing for the Films (Suhrkamp, 2006), which Gall also edited. He is member of the board of the International Hanns Eisler Society and co-edits its journal Eisler-Studien.
Martin Herbert is a writer and critic based in Berlin and Tunbridge Wells, UK. He is associate editor of ArtReview, writes regularly for Artforum and frieze, among others, and has lectured in art schools internationally. He is author of several catalogue essays, the monograph Mark Wallinger (Thames & Hudson, 2011), and the collection of essays The Uncertainty Principle (Sternberg Press, 2014).

Admission free.
The exhibition is open until 7 p.m.

A project by Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. and Nationalgalerie im
Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin.
In collaboration with Berliner Festspiele / MaerzMusik 2014.
Made possible by funding from Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Ernst Schering Foundation.

Ingrid Buschmann / Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V.
Gabriele Knapstein / Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin

Press Contact:
Achim Klapp, Tel. ++49-(0)30-2579 7016, presse@freunde-guter-musik-berlin.de

Further Information:
www.musikwerke-bildender-kuenstler.de, www.freunde-guter-musik-berlin.de
www.smb.museum/hbf, www.facebook.com/hamburgerbahnhof

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