Heaven And

04.12.2008 Maria am Ostbahnhof Heaven And Record Release Concert “Sweeter As The Years Roll By” (Staubgold 87) Tony Buck ▪ Drums Steve Heather ▪  Percussion Martin Siewert ▪ Guitars zeitblom ▪ Bass David Cunningham Solo Electric Guitar and Effects Dj Alec Empire Eat Your Heart Out/Dhr, Berlin Dj Markus Detmer Staubgold/Quecksilber, Berlin On occasion of 25 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. in... weiterlesen

The Lappetites

02.12.2008 Maria am Ostbahnhof Eliane Radigue (France) Kaffe Matthews (UK) Ryoko (Japan) Antye Greie AGF (Germany) The Lappetites is a laptop group playing with digital and sonic linking games for composition – 4 women from different backgrounds and different generations. On occasion of 25 Jahre Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. in cooperation with Klangraum Minoritenkirche Krems / Nö Festival GmbH, staubgold and... weiterlesen

20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin

26.09. – 04.10.2003 St. Elisabeth-Kirche, Villa Elisabeth 1983 – 2003  Adventures in Hearing Concerts / Performances / Events / Sound Art / Lectures / Parties The activities of Freunde Guter Musik are a Berlin tradition. Since 1983, the non-profit association “Friends of Good Music” has been dedicated to presenting and promoting new music and music in new forms. Freunde has invited artists from Berlin, from Germany, and from... weiterlesen

Record Player aka Laura Kikauka

04.10.2003 / 22:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin RECORD PLAYER Lounge  Read More

Rodney Graham & Band

04.10.2003 / 21:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin e.V. BANDS ‘N’ ARTS Rodney Graham (singer, guitar) David Carswell (guitar, singer) Mike Ledwidge (keyboards, guitar, singer) Damon Henry (bass) Pete Bourne (percussion) Rodney Graham (Vancouver) has worked for many years on larger complexes of work about selected historical and cultural contexts, using various media such as printing, installation, photography, music,... weiterlesen

Martin Creed & Band

04.10.2003 / 20:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin BANDS ‘N’ ARTS Martin Creed (singer, guitar) Keiko Owada (bass) Christopher Bell (drums) Siani Owen (singer) The artistic work of Martin Creed (London), the 2001 Turner Prizewinner, is distinguished by a conceptual and minimalist approach in which he questions, often with subtle humor, the presentational and representational systems of art. From the beginning, music... weiterlesen

The Beige Oscillator & DJ Attaché

03.10.2003 / 23:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin RECORD PLAYER Lounge  Read More

Hudson Riv

03.10.2003 / 22:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin BANDS ‘N’ BOYS Autumn in N.Y. – Glittering crowds and shimmering clouds in canyons of steel – Sven-Åke Johansson (singer) Alexander v. Schlippenbach (piano) Joe Williamson (bass) Autumn in N.Y.: How has the shadow of 9/11 tinged the sound of the famous songs of the swing era, which sing so emblematically about that New York feeling?An important piece is missing... weiterlesen

The No Ensemble

03.10.2003 / 21:00 h Zionskirche 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin BANDS ‘N’ BOYS Alex Hacke (guitar, singer) Rudi Moser (percussion) zeitblom (bass) The impetus to form The No Ensemble (Berlin) came while planning the themes for Freunde’s anniversary program. The musicians seized the opportunity and the trio was born. Berlin’s resident electronics artist zeitblom reconnects to his avant-rock roots and temporarily exchanges... weiterlesen


03.10.2003 / 20:00 h Zionskirche 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin BANDS ‘N’ BOYS Ned Rothenberg (saxophone, clarinets) Uchihashi Kazuhisa (guitar, bass, daxophoen) Samm Bennett (electronics, percussion) Ned Rothenberg and Samm Bennett, who have been collaborators since the late ’80s in New York’s downtown scene, recently resumed their successful band work after Bennett’s move to Tokyo. With the Japanese guitarist... weiterlesen

Natascha Sadr Haghighian

01.10.2003 / 22:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin RECORD PLAYER Lounge  Read More

Maryanne Amacher

01.10.2003 / 21:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin FEMMES ELECTRONIQUES Excerpts: RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, (Sound Characters Series 1998 – ) Multi-Channel Installation/Performance Maryanne Amacher (New York) became intensively involved with electronic music in the early ’60s, while studying with Karlheinz Stockhausen. She worked with John Cage and the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, among others, realized numerous... weiterlesen

Eliane Radigue

01.10.2003 / 20:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin FEMMES ELECTRONIQUES L’Ile Re-Sonante – 8-track / 3-part piece (2000) Eliane Radigue (Paris) studied with Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry in the ’50s, and for many years was Henry’s assistant. She did not, however, follow her mentor into the pastures of “musique concrète”, but turned rather to synthesizers as sound sources and went her own way.... weiterlesen

DJ Redo aka Werner Durand

28.09.2003 / 22:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin RECORD PLAYER Lounge  Read More

Tenores di Bitti

28.09.2003 / 21:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin CANTI Traditional Sardinian male choir Daniele Cossellu, Mario Pira, Pier Luigi Giorno, Piero Sanna For thirty years, the vocal quartet Tenores Di Bitti Remunnu ‘E Locu (Bitti, Sardinien), named after the famous poet from Bitti, has been carrying on the still-lively Sardinian tradition of polyphonic a cappella men’s singing, which has an exceptional position in Mediterranean... weiterlesen

Michiko Hirayama

28.09.2003 / 20:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin CANTI Canti del Capricorno by Giacinto Scelsi (1915-1982) – voice solo Michiko Hirayama (Rome), now 80 years old, is the master singer to whom Giacinto Scelsi dedicated his works, and was his muse for many years. And thus, she is the designated and authentic interpreter of Scelsi’s magnificent cycle for solo voice under the sign of Capricorn. Hirayama, who had also... weiterlesen


26.09.2003 / 22:00 h Villa Elisabeth 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin NET MUSIC motion picture soundtrack – concert biomorph source music III/audiotracts – sound project in the Net, presentation Both performances by the Berlin electronic musician, composer and sound designer zeitblom (Berlin) are based on the idea of a biomorphic composing process, with sound as the micro-organism, which he developed while working on the installation trilogy... weiterlesen

Glenn Branca

26.09.2003 / 20:00 h St. Elisabeth-Kirche 20 Years Freunde Guter Musik Berlin MAXIMAL MINIMAL Symphony No.14 (Retrospective) – WP – Commission for rock band and electronics – Glenn Branca – overtone guitar Regina Bloor – guitar Ryan Walsh – bass Tony Cenicola – drums Glenn Branca‘s (New York) astonishingly powerful, harmonic (i.e.based on overtone series) microtonal music for massed groups of electric guitars and keyboards... weiterlesen

20 years gelbe MUSIK

11.12.2001 staatsbank berlin An evening celebrating 20 years gelbe MUSIK with: Ich schwitze nie, Armchair Travellers & vielen Miniperformances u.a. von Richard Barrett, Eberhard Blum, Amelia Cuni, Arnold Dreyblatt, Sven-Åke Johansson, Cressida Joyce, Rolf Julius, Christina Kubisch, Hans Peter Kuhn, Klaus Lang, Dirk Lebahn, Gordon Monahan, David Moss, Wolfgang Müller, Ann Noël, Matthias Osterwold, Roberto Paci Dalo, Dieter Scheyhing, Eva Maria... weiterlesen

15 Years Freund Guter Musik Berlin e.V.

19.04. – 23.04.1998 Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof 19.04.1998 Fast Forward’s Feeding Frenzy 23.04.1998 Bang On A Can All-Stars In cooperation with Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin. Made possible by Verein der Freunde der Nationalgalerie, supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.  Read More

Bang On A Can All-Stars

23.04.1998 Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof with “Music for Airports” by Brian Eno – live concert (German premiere) arrangement by Michael Gordon, David Lang, Julia Wolfe and Evan Ziporyn Glenn Branca “Movement Within” Arnold Dreyblatt “Escalator” Julia Wolfe “Beliving” David Lang “Cheating, Lying, Stealing” In cooperation with Hebbel-Theater. Made possible by Verein der Freunde... weiterlesen

Fast Forward’s Feeding Frenzy

19.04.1998 Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof A culinary gala concert with Angelika Böhm – cook, Nicholas Bussmann – cello, Ouhi Cha – cook, Amelia Cuni – singer, Axel Dörner – trumpet, Melissa Drier – cook, Werner Durand – perspex tubes, Akiko Hada – video, Mechthild Katzorke – video, Aleks Kolkowski – violin, Silvia Ocougne – guitar, Gordon W. – cook, Sandra Williams –... weiterlesen

Kalle Laar / Takashi Kazamaki

20.04.1997 Institut Unzeit Music On Sunday Afternoons 57 Kalle Laar (Munich) – guitars & sampling Takashi Kazamaki (Tokyo) – percussion In cooperation with gelbe MUSIK. Supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.  Read More

DJ Kalle Laar

19.04.1997 Institut Unzeit Gelbmix I – Party 15 years gelbe MUSIK  Read More


08.04.1997 Ballhaus Naunynstraße 10 years SLAWTERHAUS (Berlin / Amsterdam) with Johannes Bauer (trombone), Dietmar Diesner (saxophone), Peter Hollinger (percussion, objects) & Jon Rose (sampler, violin) Supported by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.  Read More