Lindy Annis & Frieder Butzmann
Program accompanying the exhibition
And away with the minutes
Dieter Roth and Music
Saturday, April 25, 2015, 8 p.m.
Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin
Lindy Annis & Frieder Butzmann
Soundsoviel Zeugs
This evening, Lindy Annis and Frieder Butzmann slip into the attire of merry Rothianers. And true to their motto Masse und Klasse, they will be absorbed in multi-faceted activities and lots of different kinds of stuff. – Connotative crossovers and curious visual and acoustic couplings lead where everything ultimately must lead, namely to the de-de-de-limitation of art and work and art as well as Kunscht und Art. Where else!?
Word, sound, wordsounds, action, song, music and other manifestations of human expression will form the black-hole hub of the galaxy. But nothing is promised; otherwise everyone will be expecting more DadaNonsense. – Afterward, we can get back to hot-dog noshing – i.e. wurst naschen – at last. (F.B.)
Lindy Annis & Frieder Butzmann, Berlin 2015
Foto: Raquel Moreira
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